so where to start? i like fashion but i'm not very stylish, and i just wear band t shirts or dresses anyway, nor do i have enough money for that kind of upkeep of constantly being on the fashion hunt, so that was out of the question. i hardly wear make up, and when i do, it's very simple (volume lash mascara and a quick eyeliner flick) so a beauty blog would be a silly idea. i don't like cooking food, i only like eating food. i don't have enough freedom or dollaaa to travel, and so to write about it, but perhaps one day i'll explore the world with you guys.
so for now, i stuck with what i know, and what i know is music. at least i hope i know music, it'll be a tad embarrassing if actually i turn out not to know music. lets just pretend i know what i'm talking about.
and what will i do on this blog? i hear you ask. (no seriously, you are asking.) i'm not really sure yet but i go to loads of gigs so i'll definitely write about them as they come (though i have none planned [so far] until november, boo hoo), i'll review new music, put together playlists (or "mixtapes" they shall be called, as i am clearly sooooooo retro), have fortnightly music features, and maybe document the happenings in my life, be it music related or not, if that's okay with you. and if it's not go awAY *sad face*
and i know you're all so interested ha ha... ha. but anyway, whether you're going to read or not; i hope you enjoy what is to come. thanks for clicking, homies :-)
ps i'll probably click this tomorrow and think "what the hell was i writing?" as i will with every single blog post i will make from now until eternity.
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